Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Years Kid Rock Album "2009"

I won tickets for the Kid Rock New Years concert at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas. My husband and I went and had a great time. He puts on a really good show. I used the CTMH True Fit Folios to make the album. The instructions are on the CTMH website.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Twilight DVD Movie Premier

This is a mini album that I made for a Twilight DVD Movie Premier on Monday (3-23-09). Bridget is having the premier at her house on a big (hugh) screen for the girls. No guys allowed. We will be eating, making this album and watching Twilight.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Snow day

This is an album that I just finished. Some of my friends came over Thursday to scrap and I started this project. I designed this wordbook with the DS and did the binding with the BIA. The BIA is probably my 2nd favorite tool these days. As you can tell I was quite excited for the snow. We hardly ever see that in Las Vegas.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Border's Album

This is an album that I made for my son when he had a performance at Border's. I designed the album with the DS program and cut it with my "E". I just love my DS program. So much can be done with it and I have just begun exploring it.

First attempt at blogging......

Since I first set up this blog about a week ago I guess it's time to finally say something. This is all new to me so I guess my blog will mature each time I try to do something. Have patience's it may be awhile before I get the whole thing together..... lol